The Magic of May

Hello beautiful people, this is one of my favourite times of the year. I love May and moving into this month we can expect warmer days, longer sunsets and time spent honouring the Goddesses of this magical time.

We begin the month with honouring the glorious Maeve, with whom Irish legend says that in early May as the fairies leave their resting Winter burrows, on May 1st the Celtic Fertility festival Beltane is celebrated, she is the goddess of ‘lust and pleasures’ and traditionally the holiday is all about ‘love, sex and fertility’! Therefore, we honour the lusty goddess Maeve, also known as the Fairy Queen and invite in more fun and passion to our own lives.

Throughout May we must also acknowledge Pachamama, an Earth Goddess from the Incas, Bast, a beloved cat goddess (also known as Bastet), from the ancient Egyptians. Seshat, the Egyptian Goddess who is the divine patroness of librarians in a country that once was home to the renowned library of Alexandria, the central repository of the world’s knowledge.

And crossing from May into June, we can honour and invite in the goddess Iris, who is a divine messenger. She fostered communication between the Olympians, but also governed the interactions between land, sky and sea. Which is supportive of our plans for our Summer months and journeys ahead.

As you can see, the month of May is an incredibly empowering time for us divine creatures and we can call upon that divine feminine energy to assist us in our endeavours this coming month. What do you wish to create in your life that you don’t have presently? More time for self-care? More time to create and be creative? More time with loved ones, or just for your self, some need for more space to be in nature?

How you choose and create this time in your schedule to honour those who came before us, the divine inner wisdom you possess inside, you will benefit from focusing on all the things that lift you up, make you happy and encourage the new. Sometimes, using colour, vision boards, music, journals, etc. to create a connection with these deities and inspiring women of the time can be really useful.

I always see this month as a great refresher month, between any great plans I may have had from January to now, and where those plans have taken me or are leading me today. What has gone to plan? What do I need to refocus on?

If you want to discuss how I can support you in these areas of life coaching, spiritual guidance, healing or self-care, book a FREE 30 minute consultation today HERE.

Look up, smile and breathe, here’s to a great month ahead and time to be kind to YOU!


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